From: Emre Sahin Dölarslan

To: David Martin

Subject: A review of post-modern management techniques

as applied to Turkish forestry/JEM submission

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007

Dear Martin,

I thank you again. And I must say that I speak of you in high terms to all my colleagues.

I hope you will work with them.

See you later.


From: Emre Sahin Dölarslan

To: David Martin

A good news and thanking

October 3, 2013

Dear Martin,

I wanted to share this good news with you. Thank you for all your efforts again.

Dear Prof. Dölarslan:It is a pleasure to accept your manuscript entitled "Assessing the Effects of Satisfaction and Value on Customer Loyalty Behaviors in Service Environments: High-Speed Railway in Turkey as a Case Study" in its current form for publication in Management Research Review. The comments of the reviewers who reviewed your manuscript are included at the foot of this letter.


Emre Sahin Dölarslan, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Economics
Çankırı Karatekin University
Faculty of Forestry of Çankırı,
18 200, Çankırı, Turkey