From: Maréne Landström

To: David Martin

Subject: Peer review rebuttal

Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear David,

Thanks again for your help to improve our manuscript in the beginning of this year! Now I need to consult you again regarding a rebuttal letter to the Executive Editor. I have attached the word document and will soon send to you the e-mail, which I received last week.

I am grateful for your advice on how to write this letter so that it will be clear. If you have time to help with this within 72 h, it would be great.

Thank you very much for your valuable revision to make these publications possible. Enclosed you will find another manuscript needing your help as well.

Maréne Landström

Maréne Landström,Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Group Leader for Apoptotic Signalling
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Rudbeck Laboratory
Department of Genetics and Pathology
Uppsala University, SE 751 85 Uppsala Sweden